My Math Teacher lost everyones last test we did a few weeks before spring break, he told everyone to individually come see him after class and he would make a deal with us. He asked me what my last score on that test was, it wasn't that good, like a 74 or something, so I told him 95 and the deal was that if I did good on the next one he would keep that test score, if not then he would move it down a few points. pssh what kind of deal is that hahah.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
ohhh the pain
So today I called out sick from work again. My work understood that there was no way I could work with a fucked up face and some pain. Instead I tried not taking any meds this morning to see how my pain really felt since I havent gone without any meds for the past ....3 days straight. I realized its my neck and the back of my head that felt the most pain. The part I have been laying on most of the time in the hospital shhhh. So now I just took 3 vikes, smoked a bowl, and im using some anti muscle sore pads my grandma gave me. My g ma busted out these pads outta no where, they work peeerfectly for my neck pain and now my neck feels like its on fire! It sucks my mom wont let me drive anywhere cuz shes knows im messed up on these pills, damn, it seems like its usually fine to do that any other night... oh wells, at least I get work off. time to download some music, clean, play some myst 2 for ps
Thursday, April 9, 2009
No, it is not. How much can you know about yourself, you've never been in a fight? I don't wanna die without any scars. So come on; hit me before I lo

So after this incident about a million people asked me "what happened?" I s tarted telling people different stories every time cuz of the annoyance of repeating the same story over and over again. So I met Jazz at LA Fitness after work tuesday night and on our way out, we were jumping on top of the front counter top before walking out. I got on the highest part and attempted the leap of faith, jazz kept telling me no, but I was pretty positive of my landing since I just just done a front flip the night before.. so I went for the jump and stumbled right before my hop, instead of a flip, my jump turned into a dive and I landed on the fuckin tiled floor of the gym.. some asian lady was freaking out and kept asking me if I was okay.. what did she think? there was blood gushing out all over the floor and down my face haha anyways, so we all freaked out, I was still in shock and couldn't believe what had happened. So Jazz rushed mme over to henry Mayo and I waited in the waiting room for like an hour n a half cuz there were like 4 fuckin ladies having babies all at the same time, while I bled all over. So finally they brought me back in the ER room and had me sit somewhere else for another hour.. They had me do a CAT scan, then wait for some doctor to show up, then had me do another cat scan once he came.. then that doctor told me he called a plastic surgen, so I waited for another 2 hours. So Fuckin finally this doctor came and stitched me up, while sarcastically joking with me the whole time back n forth about medical facts... 100 stitches, 4 months, shave my head.. blah blah hah. Getting these stitches were the WORST pain i ever felt in my life! shitt!! I was numb as fuck but could still feel everything! so after all this time, my friend curtis ended up working as an assistant nurse on my floor haa, I hadnt seen him in years and now here he was rollin me up stairs. Once I got up they gave me this luxery hospital bed with this top of the line hospital dinner. There was a movable touch screen over the bed that had a TV, raido, Internet, and E-mail checker all in one device.. pretty cool. They hooked me up to an IV with Glucose, Potassium, and Morphine (when needed). I was given vikes every 4 hours, two of them if the nurse was cool, and some Lorisets. The loris were the best surprise hah I tried to get hooked up with a prescription of them from the Doc but he wouldn't let it fly ..fucck . he probably wanted to save more for himself later. Anyways, thank work for health insurance. My Boss and Jake came to visit me after work, giving them enough evidence to keep me out of work for a few days. They let me out today with 30 vikes, so I guess I have some time to chill and actually enjoy my spring break.... except for my grandma and mom freaking out haha. I knew they would, this is why I didnt tell them about my accident until they had finished doing all the surgery stuff. my mom called my dad and my dad called me all fumed. oh well, I was already stressed and overwelmed I dont need anything extra.. but I told them today and things went better than they would of if I had told them that night. im all vikied now, peea
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
More from San Looie

Jazz Cruising By

Derek trying to Tan his Whites

3 Amigos
Two B's
Life thru Heins
Bowl Boy
Pee "M" Sign
Putting it back where it came from
Steven Seagall
Karate Kid III
Blaze it
someone's car...
Peace Face Smile
The mom thinks something
doin something i dunno
haha Jazz had no idea this picture was being taken
Jazz's morning breakfast sausage
wake up baetach!!
Bear Bottom Black Boy
Bear Bottom Black Boy II
Grease Fly
Total Thug
Haha for some reason it looks like steve is running towards Jazz, who is stretching or making an "X"
Dream Beach House
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